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The Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program (MSc) "Medical Chemistry and Chemical Biology" is the result of a merger of two related Postgraduate Programs, entitled "Medical Chemistry: Drug Discovery and Design" and "Chemical Biology". Chemical Biology is a modern interdisciplinary field that incorporates the sciences of Chemistry and Biology and involves the application of chemical techniques and tools, common molecules produced using synthetic chemistry, to study their influence in biological systems. Chemical Biology finds application in Medical Chemistry, a related scientific field in which the molecules are designed to interact with biological processes in several diseases.


Learning Objectives

The Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program (MSc) “Medical Chemistry and Chemical Biology” is specifically aimed at educating scientists on the application of several techniques (analytical, spectroscopic, biochemical) and synthetic (or obtained from natural sources) molecules for the study of biological systems involved in diseases and the development of biomolecules and pharmaceutical products for pre-clinical and clinical use. Through the research, which forms an integral part of the Master's thesis, seeks to produce new scientific knowledge and to create scientists who can easily tackle interdisciplinary issues and collaborate with scientists of different disciplines.

The partnership between the Departments of Chemistry and Medicine aims:

1) The utilization of the scientists of the two Departments specializing in the interdisciplinary knowledge area of the MSc program.

2) The utilization of the infrastructure of the Departments, of the Joint analytical infrastructures of the University of Patras, as well as of the collaborative Research Institutes and research laboratories of the country and of the foreign countries.

3) The most effective interaction of knowledge areas and laboratory techniques with a view to the integrated education of young scientists and their use in development areas of the National Economy, such as the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, the Agrochemical, Veterinary and Veterinary Industry staffing of private and public health service providers (eg Hospitals, Clinics) in need of such specialized persons.

4) The evaluation of the MSc by an independent evaluation body and its recognition at European and international level in general.

Specifically, the purpose of the MSc are: a) the training of graduates of the Departments of Chemistry, Medicine, Biology, Pharmacy and related departments of Greek or foreign higher education institutions, which takes place through the consolidation and ability to apply the knowledge and techniques necessary to understand biological processes gaining flexibility in combining various techniques to solve complex problems, adapting to a constantly evolving interdisciplinary field and acquiring general skills, b) the feeder the modern vital sectors of the National Economy related to Health in particular, but also Veterinary, Agricultural Production and other sectors in which Chemical Biology is applied as well as Higher Education with experienced executives who can easily work in the interfaces of various sciences of life.

The MSc "Medical Chemistry and Chemical Biology" aims to provide a high-level postgraduate education in Medical Chemistry and Chemical Biology with prospects both in academia and in the field of applications. Its graduates will be able to conduct research in the field of Medical Chemistry and Chemical Biology and to solve complex life sciences problems by combining the use and development of appropriate original molecules, techniques and methodologies, contributing to the development of the scientific field and to the satisfaction of teachers, the country's research, health, technological and social needs, ultimately contributing to its development in the context of the international developments of this modern world. sector and its applications.

The program leads to the award of a Master of Science (MD) Degree in Medical Chemistry and Chemical Biology and is designed to not only provide postgraduate students with the most up-to-date scientific knowledge and laboratory skills, but also to develop communication skills. their skills and their skills in IT.

hahe Certified Study Programme

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